Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Anti-War Sentiment

Today, the only opinions heard are the ones who yell the loudest. Due to this, the voices that refuse to yell don't get heard. There are plenty of people who have an antiwar sentiment but we never seem to hear about them. Two very big antiwar voices are The American Conservative and Antiwar.com

The American Conservative

My first thoughts on this website were that the articles were too opinionated. You can not expect respect as a journalist if every article written is extremely biased. I looked at an article from December 11,2020, as one specific example. The author chose words like; annoyed, exploiting, and "to torch the neocons for hypocrisy". If an article is too biased and opinionated, especially if their sentiment is not appreciated by a majority of people, it will not get read. People will not read an article if it sounds like a whiny teenager complaining, rather than actual reporting. 


The first thing to say about this site is the layout of it. Just opening the site, I felt I couldn't trust what they have to say. Their website is disorganized, full of links, and seems undeveloped. First impressions are the most important thing when trying to convince someone that you are right. The undeveloped look of their website, would lead  many people to not trust what they have to say. This hurts anything they say, because everyone will overlook them. The first step to getting your voice heard is to make sure that people respect you, regardless of your opinion. If the organization can't be bothered to organize their website, why should we bother listening to their thoughts on war?

The Big Picture

The main reason that antiwar voices are not heard is because they do not represent themselves well. If you are going to argue against the majority of people, you must do it respectfully and show that you are worth listening to. Instead, the antiwar sentiment solely argues in extremely biased articles that anyone can tell is not worth reading. Personally, I will not listen to someone whining about their opinion if they are too biased about it. If someone can't step back and write an unbiased article, even if they are opinionated on the subject, they are not a true journalist. 

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